Expressions...: July 2005

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Crazy Frog!!


So, I was listening to this song - Crazy Frog by Axel – F!! The song rocks especially the part where in the frog screams ‘ran bam bab something something” and continues with Ooooooooo until it loses its breath!!

It’s funny!! Also, the way it says “thing thing”!! The pic you see here is the crazy frog. Pretty hideous, isnt it?!!

Trivia: This song is Tony Blair’s (Yeah, the British PM) current Mob ring tone. Interesting!

P.S : You can download this song from But, you will be doing this at your own risk. Remember it's piracy.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


July 29 Friday, 5:25, my bus leaves from Infy campus. I am headed home after another day’s “work”. I look out the window of the moving bus for sometime. Never knew when sleep overcame me. I wake up and its 6:30, I am still on Hosur road!! What the f***. There’s a huge traffic jam. Actually, Traffic jams are so common on Hosur road, its called “Normal Traffic”. I am really fed up of the traffic jams in Bangalore. It used to be a damn nice city to live in. Cursed IT. I mean, it gives us jobs and all, but it has destroyed what once was beautiful city. Bangalore – It will never be the same again.

The government is doing absolutely nothing. Karnataka has no govt!! It has some people who call themselves ‘Govt’. Bunch of jokers as somebody has aptly put it.

Sniff, My condolences to ye, Old Bangalore

Cutting the ribbon

Ok, So I am Euphoric. I have my own Blog space!!!
Everybody has his/her own space these days, so why not me?
I have made up my mind and this is the result - My own blog!!
I am not really a writing kinda guy. I just write @ that moment. That is whatever comes to my mind...I type type type(which may not usually be great reading material).
Well, hope this "first" one is just a beginning!!
One small post for me and...