Expressions...: Who let the dogs out??

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Who let the dogs out??

Dogs, I hate dogs. Call me whatever, but I still despise dogs.
Well, now that you know how much I loathe the four legged creature, let me tell what I hate more, the owners of the dogs.
Let me tell you about a small 'incident' that happened yesterday.
I was walking back home after a long day's work. Suddenly 2 dogs (alsatian breed!!) came running towards me with their "fangs" clearly showing, panting.
WTF WTF WTF WTF, were my only thoughts @ that moment.
Well, they weren't after me after all :-), they found something more interesting and passed thru me.
And then I heard a voice (no not god), "aye, jimmy, NO. Baa illi"(for Kannada challenged - Aye Jimmy, NO, come here).
That was the owner of the 2 dogs.
Apparently, the guy had taken the dogs for their 'evening walk' and didn't bother leashing them. Me thinks he has a wee bit of over-confidence that he can control the dog with his 'voice'.
Bull S.
What if the dogs don't ‘listen’ to him??

Tip (Read, blind belief/superstition); if you chant shriram jayram incessantly, the dogs seem to move away from you. Works only when the dogs are calm or asleep ;-)

P.s 90% of the dogs are called jimmy, tommy, julie or tiger in bangalore.


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